Waiting for the perfect one!​

Live in & Water ready​

Do you spend top dollar on a very well kept up, extremely clean and maintained vessel​? Say, you have to loan the cash from the bank and now you have, everyday expenses plus a payment.

Just Living Is Not Enough​

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Adopt an abuse and forgotten vessel​

Well, it may not be your cup of tea mate however, ​with a little bit of work, she can be made a beautiful place to call home.

Go Along With the Nature​

1989 Bayliner Ciera 2655 can be a great first boat to learn with. Depending on your confidence level, you may want to start out with a 18-20 foot fish and ski. These 20-26 foot cuddy cabin boats can be found really cheap. $1000-4000.

Find a budget friendly vessel. It doesn’t matter what boat you own as long as you enjoy it!