About us

Thank you for wanting to learn more about who we are and why we have chosen to follow a dream of mine.

Since 1983, I have lived near Lake Lanier in north Georgia. As a child, I would dream of, what it would be like to live on a boat. The beach, I would frequently ride my bicycle to had a great view of the sail boat club that was only a few hundred yards away from where I would sit on the loading dock. At 47 years old, I decided to make that dream a reality or at least a three year plan. My wife Heather and I are very different in many ways. These differences I believe is why we get along so well. I am the more adventurist type and she is pretty laid back. Heather enjoys the simple life, her dog and cat. I like animals but I don’t want any of my own to care for. The DREAM is one I have had since I was boy to have a boat and live aboard one day. I was never one to really set goals and plan much. Growing up really poor, my family never had the means to own a boat. I grew up a huge NASCAR fan, even attended some local races. By the time I had a decent job and a good car, I left home, moved to Baxley, Ga to be with a girl who I would marry 6 months later. My focus switched from doing what I wanted to, doing what I could to make ends meet and put food on the table. We started a family so, four kids and fourteen years later I found myself, defeated as I was faced with divorce.

After all of these years, I am finally working towards a dream of mine. My wife is totally on board as she too loves the water. We have a three year plan. I have done a lot of research on the topic of living aboard and it isn’t for everyone. It is something we have to plan very carefully as getting yourself into the wrong vessel can bankrupt you quickly. I have many years of auto mechanical, auto collision repair and residential construction background so, I have the means of doing most or all repairs myself. We plan to trailer our boat until we settle on a Yacht to purchase.

Year one: Buy a boat

  • Buy a small bought with a cuddy cabin that doesn’t need much work that my Ram 1500 can pull.
  • Learn all about boat safety, possibly take a boaters safety course.
  • Start down sizing, get rid of things we don’t need.
  • Search for the DREAM YACHT

Year two:

  • Year two will be dedicated to several things. Spend as much time on the water as possible. We will find some Air bnb’s to rent down in the gulf.
  • Continue the search for the DREAM YACHT
  • Continue the research and learning about boating regulations example, marine toilets…..
  • To be continued………..